Waiting for the Promise



TOPIC: Waiting for the Promise

TEXT: Acts 1:1-26

KEY VERSE: While he was still with them, he said: Don’t leave Jerusalem yet. Wait here for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit, just as I told you he promised.  Acts 1:4(CEV)

When Jesus died and was buried, for many of his disciples, it was the end of the road; for some, it was dashed hopes and dreams that had slipped through their hands like grains of sand. Even Peter, bold enough to speak up, returned to his fishing nets. Then Jesus showed up and appeared to many for the space of forty days, confirming that all was not lost but everything gained. During this waiting period, they transitioned from seeing the Saviour daily to living alone by faith in his words. Imagine the mixed emotions they must have felt, uncertainty, and perhaps even a sense of abandonment. Yet, they held on to their faith, trusting in the promise that Jesus had made to them.

We had hoped that he would be the one to set Israel free! But it has already been three days since all this happened. Luke 24:21(CEV)

Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing!” The others said, “We will go with you.” They went out in their boat. But they didn’t catch a thing that night.John 21:3(CEV)

For 40 days after Jesus had suffered and died, he proved in many ways that he had been raised from death. He appeared to his apostles and spoke to them about God’s kingdom. Acts 1:3(CEV)

Transitions occur in our lives at different seasons. Whether couples have to wait for their baby to be born, or the time ladies have to wait for their husbands to propose, waiting for results from an examination or a promotion, waiting times occur for us in many ways. One common thing in all these cases is that all you can do is wait. What you do as you stay is important; it determines your emotional state and whether you will survive the waiting.

Jesus left his disciples with clear instructions: to wait in Jerusalem for the Father’s promise of the Holy Spirit. This was a new experience for them, as the Holy Spirit had not been seen before. But they trusted in Jesus and his words. They continued to gather, meeting with the remaining apostles, Mary, his mother, and his brothers. They persisted in prayer, not ceasing until the day the Heavens opened. This waiting period was a testament to the strength of their faith, as all they had to hold onto were Jesus’ words and promises and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus didn’t leave his disciples in a state of uncertainty. He spent forty days with them, reassuring them that their faith was not in vain and that the kingdom of God had come. Today, we are blessed with numerous promises in scripture that offer us comfort and hope in times of uncertainty and delay. Whatever transition you may be experiencing now, there is a promise in scripture that can provide the boost you need to keep hope alive. 

So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11(AMP)

Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word]; Hebrews 10:23(AMP)

Peter, whom Jesus had left with the task of feeding his sheep and lambs, rose to give direction to the believers during this time. He relied on the writings of the prophets to know what the next steps should be. The significance of remaining in fellowship with other believers cannot be overstated. It is a crucial element in avoiding loneliness and depression. Staying isolated from other believers can leave you vulnerable to the mental attacks of the enemy and the doubts and sarcasm of unbelievers. God has equipped The body of Christ with Apostles, Prophets and teachers who would know what God wants the body of Christ to do each season. Even though there are many voices today, the Holy Spirit is one, and you can always discern his voice.

Transitions are an excellent time to prepare for what you are expecting. The Apostles believed a time of more remarkable ministry was ahead of them, so they needed to replace Judas. What are you anticipating? What dreams has God put in your heart for your family, nation, or the kingdom? Are you trained to fit the role? Idleness breeds hopelessness. Build up yourself with skills and training for your future. Many have dreams but make no effort to pursue them; making the most of every opportunity God gives you is an excellent way to fill up the waiting time. Use this time to equip yourself, grow, and be ready for the next step in your journey. 

In the Old Testament, Elijah modelled what a believer should do while waiting for God. He repaired the broken altar and offered sacrifice to the Lord. Spending time in intimate worship and prayer brings refreshing and revival. Remembering God’s promises restores fresh hopes for the manifestation you are expecting. God is faithful; those who wait for him are never ashamed. (1Kings 18:30-38)

Keep your eyes on the Lord! You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame. Psalm 34:5(CEV)

Reflection Questions

1. What are you hoping for?

2. What promises give you renewed hope? 

3. What is your practice to stay centred on Jesus?

 4. Who can you encourage today?

Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

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2 thoughts on “Waiting for the Promise”

  1. Toyin Clay Pender

    I’m grateful for a Lord like Yeshua! 🙌🏽
    I know that whatever affliction I face on this earth is bearable, only because of God’s promises in His word, and it gladdens me.
    Our Lord alone is worthy! He’s a promise Keeper. 😊🥰
    Over the years of my walk with Him, I have never truly lacked the basics and even in recent times, I experience His bounteous outpouring and I’m grateful for this. 🤩😁
    I’ve NOT reached WHERE I’m going but He comforts me on all sides. 😁🥰
    My late dad used to say that “No one walks with God and lose out in the end.” He’s correct. 😁
    So, even if I don’t have the “riches” (according to this world’s standard), the untold wealth I enjoy can NOT be measured.
    God bless you, Pastor Ada. 🥰

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