

Walk Towards Destiny

Topic: Walk Towards DestinyText: 1 Samuel 9:1-10Key Verse: Now, the donkeys of Kish, Saul’s Father, had wandered off and were lost. Kish said to his

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Good To Great

Topic: Good To Great Text: 1 Samuel 9:1-10 Key Verse: His son Saul was the most handsome man in Israel—head and shoulders taller than anyone

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Living Intentionally

Missed You!

Welcome back to AVAAT I regret the unavailability of our post regularly last year on this medium. I had a tight schedule of study and

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File Claims For Restoration

Topic: File Claims For RestorationText: 2 Kings 8: 1-6Key Verse: And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed unto

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Arise & Build

Topic: Arise & Build Text: Nehemiah 2:1-9 Key Verse: Then I told the king, “Sir, if it’s all right with you, please send me back

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A Satisfied Soul

Topic: A Satisfied Soul Text: Jeremiah 31:20-28 Key Verse: For I [fully] satisfy the weary soul, and I replenish every languishing and sorrowful person.” –

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The God of Restoration

Topic: The God of Restoration Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-10 Key Verse: The Lord kills and restores to life; he sends people to the world of

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Cry Out Now

Topic: Cry Out Now Text: 1 Kings 22:29 -33 Key Verse: And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that

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Drop The Worries

Topic: Drop The Worries Text: 1Peter 5:6-7 Key verse: Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. – 1 Peter

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