Seeing Opportunities

Topic: Seeing Opportunities.

Text: Mark 4:28 (NLT)

Key verse: The earth produces the crops on its own. First a leaf blade pushes through, then the heads of wheat are formed, and finally the grain ripens.

There are so many powerful things that go on in the time of darkness. When the seed is sown in the belly of the ground, all the seed knows is darkness all around, but it is also a time of creation!

 The earth produces the crops all on its own, without assistance from anyone. God has deposited great potential in the earth to bring forth! On its own at creation, by the power of the spoken word, the earth brought forth all kinds of living things, plants and animals.  You need to appreciate the power resident in the earth and harness it for your benefit.

In your season of pain, loss, barrenness or grief you can speak the word of God to the earth around you to produce crops by itself in your favour. The earth can cause you to be remembered, assisted, recommended, promoted etc, in spite of the darkness!

First, a leaf blade pushes through. Some things can not happen except force is applied. The earth contains forces that will not allow new things to be birthed. All around the earth are agents standing by to deny access to new things coming into the world, they try to prevent its birth or kill it at birth. You must learn to push out your blade. Apply the pressure of prayer, fasting, make the necessary decrees and declarations and apply the push of showing up at the right place!

The earth is ready to assist you to release the gifting and virtues that are in you, as a seed sown in the earth, don\’t breakdown or back out, PUSH! Push until you are noticed, push until you are heard, push until the heads of grain are formed. The time of darkness should not be idle time. Though light is absent, potential energy is resident in the seed. As you give it expression, heads of wheat, new beginnings, new opportunities, new talents, new skills will be formed.

In a matter of time, these will come to maturity and become a blessing when the grain ripens! Today, the Lord has sent forth a call to you, see opportunities in a time of darkness.

 All you need is already provided, musical gifts , artistic abilities, creative writings have all come forth out of a season of extreme darkness.

Push and watch the season change!



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