Transformed Into Winning

Topic: Transformed into Winning

Text: Romans 12:1-2

Key verse: Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything good and pleasing to him. – Romans 12:2 (CEV)

God created man from the beginning with a winning mindset. He blessed him and empowered him to rule the earth and have control. Nothing and nobody scared him, and there was no task too difficult for him to do, recall his first task was to name all the animals. He had the mental capacity to generate names for all of them.

Fear and shame were introduced into man’s life the day he went against God’s instructions, and the immediate consequences were he began to depreciate in confidence and boldness and he started to hide and run from issues and people.This fear-based mindset became the driving force behind his thought processes. Fear is at the root of so many mental battles, when we come to God through Christ we must yield ourselves to unlearn the old ways of thinking so that we can live victoriously.

The process does not evolve naturally it requires a decision to start a relationship that is empowering and transforming. Being a believer in Jesus is not just another religion, it is a choice you make to start a relationship with him that gives the Holy Spirit access into every area of your life to make the necessary change. (Ephesians 4:17-24(CEV))

Let the Spirit change your way of thinking- Ephesians 4:23

You cannot be born again and hold onto old ways of thinking, especially cultural views. Most of the proverbs of the elders are rooted in common sense and human reasoning, which is not necessarily the wisdom of God.

Be sincere about your decision to be a disciple of Jesus. Acknowledge your need for help from the Holy Spirit. Be conscious of his presence to give you God’s perspectives on your life. Consistently give up old ways of thinking, even if that is common among your peers. The winning mindset does not come from evolution but by decision.

As a follower of the Lord, I order you to stop living like stupid, godless people. Ephesians 4:17

Don’t live your life based on superstition, don’t fear the fear of godless people rather ask the Holy Spirit to give you God’s mind about the issue. As you act in faith rather than fear, your life begins to please God. One way you can know if your life is fear-driven is to listen to the content of your prayers. Do you spend more time talking to God about what the devil is doing or about what God can do or is doing?

You must win life battles first in your mind before you walk into battle.

Ask the Lord to reveal to you those things that must change today.

Pray and ask the Lord to restore to you all your mental capabilities to function maximally in life, out of faith and no more fear.



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