Overcoming Grief

Topic: Overcoming Grief

Key text: 2 Samuel 12: 15 – 23

Key verse: But now he is dead. Why should l fast? Can l bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me. Verse 23

Bad things happen to good and bad people! Sometimes due to wrong choices, made with good intentions and sometimes duu to wrong choices made out of selfishness, greed and covetousness.

When bad things happen, there is always a victim, because there will be consequences. It may be the result of sowing and reaping or it may be a result of God’s judgment.

Prayer is a powerful key that gives you access to the Almighty God; who can change situations, make impossibilities happen and recreate  dead things.

Prayer also has principles that make it work. It is not a magic wand that you wave over every situation and it will turn out the way you want it, like the  story of Alibaba and the famous “Open Sesame”. The Sovereign will of God is the determinant!

David was a prayer warrior per excellence, he knew how to reach God’s heart, he knew how to seek God\’s will, he knew when to run and when to stand and fight. If anyone should advice you on prayer, King David is qualified.

In our text, David applies prayer as a means to avert God\’s judgment. Many people had asked for mercy before and God heard, but this time , it didn’t work! He even fasted, rolled on the ground, even though he was a king, wore the same clothes for seven days without a bath, refused to listen to those who came to comfort him. How far can a man go???

Then the child died! They couldn’t tell him, for fear of how he would react, but as soon as he perceived it, he rose up and ended his intercession!

Sitting in darkness is failing to recognize when a chapter has closed!

…for l said ‘ who knows whether the Lord will be gracious to me, that the child may live?’

The goal of prayer is to seek God’s grace, not to order him around or tell him how to run the earth. Man is limited in so many ways, knowing only some things in the past and the present, only God is infinite, knowing the eternal past, present and future. We cannot understand the workings of the earth in its entirety.  But, in his graciousness, God allows us to contribute to how things work out through prayer. This privilege does not in anyway, at anytime imply that God has given any man the power to decide for him, the Governor of the nations, what must happen in all our life issues.

People have been encouraged to keep fasting, praying and living in denial, long after a chapter is closed. Prayer works, miracles happen, but grief must not be overextended!

Can l bring him back again?

There are things prayer will not change. We must believe correctly, when we approach God in prayers. People have promised to do the impossible without confirming from God. When hopes are dashed, faith in God fails.

David arose from the earth, and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. And he went into the house of God and worshiped!

The goal of Trauma healing sessions, is to get you to wash yourself, change your clothes, anoint  yourself and truly worship God, in spirit and in truth.

This is a process, not an event, you don’t need to travel alone on this journey, God has positioned people to support you. Pick up your pen and start writing the next chapter, its not over for you, until God says so!

Who is ready to start writing???✍✍✍✍✍



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