Power In Praise

Topic: Power in praise

Text: Acts 16:16- 40

Key verse: Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.  verse 25

Praise is so powerful, its influence is evident on man and God. It attracts the presence of God and unleashes his power on behalf of those who praise Him.

Praise is a sacrifice, it is what you choose to do willingly, its potency is in its purest state when you offer it during pain. God always shows up on behalf of his people when they choose to praise him despite unfavorable conditions.

Praise and worship songs written to our God abound in different languages and genres of music.

But the most powerful of them all is the fruit of your lips offered as a sacrifice to God when your circumstances demand the opposite from you.

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. Hebrews 13:15

In the wilderness, the Israelites had different sacrifices to offer to God for different prayers and blessings, we no longer have to offer those now, the blood sacrifice of Jesus paid all our debts, but now God seeks a living sacrifice of our bodies and a continual stream of praise from our lips.

 Praises build a throne for God and invite him into your circumstances. His power is released on your behalf against your adversary.

Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.

The prison is the last place you expect to hear a hymn or songs of praise, but that is where Paul and Silas chose to build a throne for God. They didn’t mind the circumstances of the injustice that threw them in prison, they didn’t waste time seeking vengeance on their adversaries, but they chose to praise God in their chains.

Where have you left your praise, in the choir rehearsal, or your school fellowship? Why have you allowed your songs in the night to disappear? Your songs of praise is a weapon against your enemy but also a testimony to others who are suffering like you. The prisoners listened to men who instead of cursing sang praises to God. That testimonial went up to heaven and the Lord displayed his pleasure by sending an earthquake that shook the place and broken their chains.

Notice here that the disciples were not praying to be released, they were simply glorifying the Lord, no wonder they noticed the jailer\’s attempt to take his life. There is nothing you are going through as God\’s child that God is not aware of, he promises to be with you through all the different seasons and circumstances, even when you pass through the valley of the shadow of death. God gives songs in the night seasons of life, many powerful and encouraging songs have come out of great seasons of pain. Nicole Mullen testifies to this as the secret behind her song, My redeemer lives.

The power of praise guarantees his presence. Wait on him with praises and experience the display of his power in your life for healing, salvation, deliverance, peace, and joy. Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.

Blind Bartimeus knew the power of praises, He invoked the power in the name of Jesus, And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.  There is power in the names of God, each one you call in faith releases that ability on your behalf. As you praise God calling his names, tremendous power is released to fight your battle and defend your championship title as a son of God!

I experienced a very tough season some time ago, everything was at standstill, the heavens seemed closed, the doors and windows shut me in, l felt like a prisoner in my own home. I couldn’t pray even while fasting, l struggled and struggled as the funds dwindled and l had nowhere to run to. I shut myself in and started to remind God his names that l know, l started to call those names, with every call, l received strength till l could sing about the names. I didn’t stop, l kept pressing into the throne room, with praise, worship, dancing, and tears until it felt like something snapped. I heard the Lord say, ” The siege is over!” In a matter of one week, we experienced a miraculous turnaround. Things moved, people, relocated, boundary lines changed in my favor. Hallelujah!

I am a witness, there is power in sacrificial praise! If you believe it, rise and praise your way to break through, it will destroy the stronghold of human reasoning, where they are expecting your complaint,  weeping and groaning, may they hear your extravagant praise in Jesus’ name!


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