Marred By Design

Topic: Marred by design

Text: John 9:1-3

Key verse: “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him

 The world is full of mysteries and many unresolved questions only God can  give answers for. Why people are born with birth defects is one of such mysteries. This man was born blind, and just like in most cultures, people began to blame his parents sins as the cause of the problem. Some even claimed the child was responsible for his own plight.

Jesus, arrived the scene with an answer.

This happened so the power of God could be seen in him!

God in his sovereignty has his ways of working out his purpose, things too difficult to understand are plain before him.

In the production process in the factory, some products arrive at the finish line as defects, some part of them was either not well packed or may not meet quality control standards. In the print process, its called a misprint, when the images don’t come out according to the original design in the mind of the artist.

God is the master architect of the world, he saw it before it was created, even our creation in the womb was known to him, every details. Sometimes, things don’t work according to his expectations, but God always uses the situations to produce the desired out come, to save lives and bring glory to his name.

This man’s healing caused quite a stir, he was known in the community, so it could not pass for an “arranged miracle”. His parents were on hand to identify him, so there were witnesses to confirm the miracle. It happened on the Sabbath day, a day of rest so the religious leaders were not sure the miracle came from God.

God’s ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts higher than our thoughts. Why he chose to make giants, men with extraordinary size sometimes, and make others small like Zacchaeus is his prerogative. Our concern should be to work with him to show forth his glory in the end.

We cause our self pain and loose our Joy while trying to look for who to blame for our birth defects. Were you born short, use it for God’s glory. Don’t be ashamed of any aspect of your body, don\’t blame your parents either. If there is anything you should do, it will be to give God thanks for the plans he has ahead for you, plans of good and not of evil, to give you a future.

Many women struggle to accept their bodies, so many spend millions working on some aspects, without realizing that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The goal of the cosmetic repairs is to gain acceptance, build self confidence and attract attention.  Some have looked their best and still didn’t find love.

Let God fix any problems you may have, he can still give you fulfilment without changing your physical body. Marilyn Baker’s songs gives me so much joy and hope, when l found out she was blind, l even loved them more.

Corrective surgeries, like the separation of conjoined twins  are very good, they are to my mind miracles. Their success has brought great glory to God.

See purpose in that condition that has Marred you physically. People may have labelled you by that defect, but you are much more than that. The real person in that body is the one who will eventually give God glory.

Some birth defects are mild while coping with some can be very demanding on the person and the care giver, but I want to lovingly say, God is able to make all grace abound towards you… 2Corinthians 9:8

His parents were able to cope until his story changed, you will be able too in Jesus name! Amen.

I noticed that it was not the beggar who kick started his miracle, it was the small talk of people about him that turned God’s attention to his case. As people talk about you, God will hear and turn your life around for good in Jesus name. Amen

As they talk about your barrenness or your baldness, God will make you an object of positive attention in Jesus name. The man became a celebrity in hours, everyone wanted to see and interview him, ha ha ha, the game changer was obedience!

 He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and washed and came back seeing!

Be where the master will find you. Come out of hiding. Nothing is wrong with you. Anybody who doesn’t like you the way you are ,has a choice. Change your expectations, everybody must not like you, God loves you just the way you are. Everything God made is good! God’s love and acceptance is unconditional.

 Like yourself, because you are about to become a testifier! Hallelujah.

Jesus gave the blind man an assignment, he must have been helped to find his way to that particular pool, he didn’t complain, didn’t doubt , he just obeyed. The rest they say, is history!

I pray someone who has struggled with being marred physically, will find hope in this story, God will visit you and use your life to show forth his power in Jesus name. Amen.

Incidentally, Jesus sent the man to a pool called Siloam,

He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”).

God wants you to see yourself as a sent one! You are on a mission. Everything about you is speaking towards your mission. Change your mind about yourself. Cast away that victim , low self esteem mindset.

 You must walk towards your mission, starting now!

You may have defects physically, but your spirit is alive and alert. Develop your spiritual gifts. Your mind is intact, activate your creativity. There are so many things you can do that will display the excellency of God through you. You are still a vessel in the Potter’s hand.

Arise Shine for your light has come!

I would love to hear from you if you find this devotional helpful. Send an email to closinggapsko@gmail. com


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