Advent Family Devotional 2024

Join us as we journey through Advent from December 1 to December 25, 2024, focusing on Hope, Joy, Love, Peace, and the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day. This interactive devotional is designed for families, small groups, and churches to come together, reflect, and grow deeper in faith.

Empowered By Dreams

Topic: Empowered by Dreams

Text: Genesis 31:1-18

Key verse: Once, when the flocks were mating, I dreamed that all the rams were either spotted or speckled. – Genesis 31:10

Dreams are valuable,  God has communicated with a man over the years through dreams to reveal to him the secret of his prosperity and sustenance of wealth. When the value of a thing is not known,  abuse is inevitable. Many believers struggle under the weight of the ignorance of the way of escape God has provided for them, for their business challenges,   yet God has been speaking to them.  (1Corinthians10:13)

Jacob suffered oppression under his uncle  Laban,  his wages were changed several times and he labored like a slave in a place he had run to for refuge until God visited him in a dream and gave him a solution to his problem.

When our minds go into introspection,  reviewing our thoughts and words,  it can only discover the things in our past but not the future.  We may read books about the case of other people and research how they survived their business challenges,  but no two cases are the same.  The solution for your site has to be tailor-made for you based on your peculiar circumstances.

Jacob had no idea of how to deal with his uncle without offending him,  knowing he was his father-in-law also.  God sent a solution to him that gave him access to divine strategies of business growth that no one could query.  God himself supernaturally took over,  paying his wages.  

Jacob only revealed the secret of his wealth to his wives when he was ready to return to his father’s house. Fear of the unknown because of his brother Esau\’s anger was another reason he remained under Laban’s oppression for years until he was instructed in the dream to return.  Only then, was Jacob able to find the courage to leave,  knowing that he was divinely instructed to do so.

Are you laboring in business without profit?  Are you working so hard without results?   Are you desperate to know how to get out of the limitation you find yourself in,  it’s time to return to God for instruction and guidance.  You don’t need to consult any prophet or medium to see visions for you like King Saul.  As long as the spirit of God dwells in you,  God will give you answers in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pharaoh received dreams about the economy of Egypt,  the dreams were scary,  symbolic, and loaded with revelation,  but he could not take the appropriate action because he couldn’t get the interpretation. He consulted his wise men for a solution,  and that was when Joseph was recommended the details are in the book of Genesis chapter 41.

 Listen to the testimony he gave about Joseph after he interpreted the dreams, even a heathen King knew the source of the dream and its interpretation.   

So the king said to them, “No one could handle this better than Joseph, since the Spirit of God is with him.”The king told Joseph, “God is the one who has shown you these things. No one else is as wise as you are or knows as much as you do.* – Genesis 41:38-39

The interpretation provided a solution for the preservation of the harvest and the sustenance of the world in the future when a famine struck.   You don’t have to rely on business principles and rules alone for your investments, savings, and planning,  God is willing and able to guide you,  especially concerning the future.

I have testimonies of business help through my dreams and l have read of several testimonies that prove that God is interested in helping you in your financial situations as much as he is in your spiritual life. All you need to do now is ask for help.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. – 3 John 1:2

Dreams are not the only way God speaks,  but it can give you guidance for your business or confirm what God is leading you to do from other sources.  Isaac received instruction from God in a time of famine as he wanted to apply the same method his father Abraham had used previously, God instructed him differently in Genesis 26:1-6.

 I pray you to receive help today from God to get out of every ignorance and mental captivity affecting your finances in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Roses &Thorns

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