Advent Family Devotional 2024

Join us as we journey through Advent from December 1 to December 25, 2024, focusing on Hope, Joy, Love, Peace, and the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day. This interactive devotional is designed for families, small groups, and churches to come together, reflect, and grow deeper in faith.

Designated Paths

Topic: Designated Paths

Text: Ephesians 2:10

Key verse: For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].(AMPC)

Everyone comes to the earth with a prearranged destiny that will only be fulfilled when we discover it, prepare for it and work it out with the Lord. It is a necessity to know and embrace the fact that the life you are to live is not your own to choose, it has been prearranged according to God’s purpose.

We are wrongly raised to pursue any career of choice and become who we want to be, or become who our parents have dreamed we should be. Our key verse spells it out as simply as possible, we are God’s project; he is working first to recreate us into the image of Christ. The divine nature is God’s priority.

Working for God is not as important as becoming like Jesus. Many will be disappointed on the last day, after having labored on earth for the Lord without being recreated into the measure of the stature of Christ. Jesus chooses twelve first to be with him, before he sent them forth to do the work. They struggled with different weaknesses, unbelief, fear, even denying him but he transformed them by the power of his Holy Spirit till they became Christ like and turned the world upside down.

Every life has a designated path it must take to experience the work of recreation. God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them .These paths take us through losses, abuse, abandonment, lack and more but rather than crush us, they transform us into choice vessels.

Along these paths are seasons of pruning, breaking, melting and purging. None of these processes are sweet, in fact each is painful but in the end, they produce a greater weight of glory on your life. I encourage you to trust the method God uses to raise vessels, the process required for each individual depends on what is best for you. You are created for good works, don’t settle for less.

For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined .Paul our example of a vessel God created for good works had this to say to the Corinthian believers:

“Yet, as God’s servants, we prove ourselves authentic in every way. For example: We have great endurance in hardships and in persecutions. We don’t lose courage in a time of stress and calamity. We’ve been beaten many times, imprisoned, and found ourselves in the midst of riots. We’ve endured many troubles, had sleepless nights, and gone hungry…”

Let’s keep our eyes on the goal of recreation and the good works we shall do, and refuse to be weighed down by the rough paths. His grace is sufficient for us, as we trust him the Holy Spirit will comfort, counsel and guide us into the right paths to take to fulfill our destiny.


Roses & Thorns

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