
Maximizing Interruptions

Attitude In Seasons Of Leaness

  Topic: Attitude in Seasons Of Leaness Text: Hebrews 11:8-11 Key Verse: By faith, he lived as a foreigner in the promised land, as in a strange land, living in tents [as nomads] with Isaac and Jacob, who were fellow heirs of the same promise. – Hebrews 11:9 AMP Through the different seasons of life,

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Maximizing Interruptions

Transitions Bring Increases In Increments.

Transitions Bring Increases In Increments. Text: Genesis 17:1-22Key Verse: I will make my covenant between me and you, and I will increase your numbers greatly.” – Genesis 17:2 JCB The CALL of God can be a kind of interruption; it completely moves your life away from a familiar course to a promised future delivered to

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Maximizing Interruptions

Transitions Produce Change

Topic: Transitions Produce Change Text: Job 19:13-27 Key Verse: If one dies, can he live again? Through these days of toil and struggle, I will patiently wait until my situation changes. Job 14:14 VOICE Transition is the process or period of changing from one state or condition to another. When life is disrupted, it will

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Maximizing Interruptions

Hope Inspires New Beginnings

Hope Inspires New Beginnings Text: Job 14:1-9 Key Verse: “For a tree, there is hope that if cut down, it will sprout again, that its shoots will continue to grow.- Job 14:7 JCB The Book of Job is one story that inspires hope of a new beginning. Man’s life is full of troubles; some start

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Returning To A Harvest Season

Returning To A Harvest Season Text: Ruth 1:1-22 Key Verse: Then she set out with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in Moab how the Lord had taken care of His people [of Judah] in giving them food. – Ruth 1:6 Preparation, physical and spiritual, proactive planning, and

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Maximizing Interruptions

Respond To Interruptions With Faith

Topic: Respond To Interruptions With Faith Text: 2 Kings 4:13-37 Key Verse: And the mother of the child said, As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And he arose and followed her. – 2 Kings 4:30 Unexpected interruptions require articulate responses. Emotions can becloud our reasoning and make

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Extra Oil

Identify The Source Of The Interruption

Topic: Identify The Source Of The Interruption Text: Jonah 1 Key Verse: The sailors said to each other, “Let’s draw lots and find out who is to blame for getting us into this danger.” They did so, and Jonah’s name was drawn. – Jonah 1:7 GNT Interruptions are acts or occurrences that interfere with our

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Positioned For Victory During Interruptions

Topic: Positioned For Victory During Interruptions Text: Mark 4:35- 41 Key Verse: Jesus got up and ordered the wind and the waves to be quiet. The wind stopped, and everything was calm. – Mark 4:39 Have there been times you set out to do the will of God and entered a storm? Then it is

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Maximizing Interruptions

Interrupted By A Broken Covenant

Topic: Interrupted By A Broken Covenant Text: 2 Samuel 21:1-14 Key Verse: While David was king, there were three years in a row when the nation of Israel could not grow enough food. So David asked the Lord for help, and the Lord answered, “Saul and his family are guilty of murder because he had

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