A Sling And A Stone
Topic: A Sling And A Stone Text: 1 Samuel 17:41-51 Key Verse: So David triumphed over the Philistine with only a sling and a stone, for he had no sword. – 1 Samuel 17:50 NLT I believe in Miracles, and the victory of David over Goliath is one of my favorites! What is a miracle?
Rely On Tested Armor
Topic: Rely On Tested Armor Text: 1 Samuel 17: 34-54 Key Verse: And David girded his sword upon his armor, and he attempted to go, for he had not tested it. And David said unto Saul, “I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.” And David put them off him. – 1
Life’s Battle Made Easy
Topic: Life’s Battle Made Easy Text: 1 Samuel 17:1-11 Key Verse: Here and now, I challenge Israel’s whole army! Choose someone to fight me! – 1 Samuel 17:10 CEV Life is a battle, the forces of light and darkness have been in contention since the world began, and light has always prevailed. Hallelujah! Every battle
Faithful In Small Things
Topic: Faithful In Small Things Text: 1 Samuel 16:14-23 Key Verse: “A man named Jesse who lives in Bethlehem has a son who can play the harp,” one official said. “He’s a brave warrior, he’s good-looking, he can speak well, and the Lord is with him.” – 1 Samuel 16:18 CEV Living intentionally between where
Managing Failure
Topic: Managing FailureText: 1 Samuel 15:24- 31 Key Verse: Saul said, “I did sin, but please honor me in front of the leaders of the army and the people of Israel. Come back with me, so I can worship the Lord your God.” – 1 Samuel 15:30 One of the most challenging things to face
The Danger Of Haste
Topic: The Danger Of Haste Text: 1 Samuel 14:18-46 Key Verse: “No!” the soldiers shouted. “God helped Jonathan win the battle for us. We won’t let you kill him. We swear to the Lord that we won’t let you kill him or even lay a hand on him!” So the army kept Saul from killing
Activated By Faith
Topic: Activated By Faith Text: 1 Samuel 14:1-15 Key Verse: Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let us cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised men; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For there is nothing to prevent the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” –
Living Under Pressure
Topic: Living Under Pressure Text: 1 Samuel 13:5-14Key Verse: but Samuel said, “What have you done?” Saul answered, “The people were deserting me, and you had not come when you said you would; besides that, the Philistines are gathering at Michmash. – 1 Samuel 13:11 Pressure can produce both positive and negative outcomes. How you
Be Accountable
Topic: Be AccountableText: 2 Samuel 12:1-5Key Verse: Here I am. If I have done anything wrong, accuse me now in the presence of the Lord and the king he has chosen. Have I taken anybody’s cow or anybody’s donkey? Have I cheated or oppressed anyone? Have I accepted a bribe from anyone? If I have