Advent Family Devotional 2024

Join us as we journey through Advent from December 1 to December 25, 2024, focusing on Hope, Joy, Love, Peace, and the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day. This interactive devotional is designed for families, small groups, and churches to come together, reflect, and grow deeper in faith.

Waiting For Change

Topic: Waiting For Change

Text: Mark 4:29

Key verse: And as soon as the grain is ready, the farmer comes and harvests it with a sickle, for the harvest time has come.”

Life is a mystery, full of different kinds of experiences. Some pleasant, others not too pleasant. But, those who have yielded their lives to God, need not fret about the outcome of the different seasons of their lives. The Father, who is the farmer in our text, always has it under control.

The seasons of life have a mission, … And as soon as the grain is ready,  God’s goal is to produce fruit in your life, to multiply your impact. The process is not an accident, its intentional. As soon as,  God does not delay the time you have to pass through the valley, because He is there with you. He simply waits to see the grain mature and manifest the fullness of stature he desires in you.

When Jesus arrived at the river Jordan to be baptized, God announced… This is my beloved son in whom am well pleased. Have you ever wondered what Jesus was doing between the ages of 12 and 30? He was living an ordinary normal life of a Jewish boy subject to his parents. He waited for the right time to manifest.

… the farmer comes and harvests it with a sickle,

God has great plans for your life, expect them to unfold as the days go by. The time of darkness has its mission, but the farmer is standing by to put in the sickle to bring all your pain, to a glorious end.  God is set to announce you to the world.  The work of the Holy Spirit, to produce fruit in your life, is evident. God is about to boast about you in Jesus name!

The days of being locked away in the back side of the desert for David, finally came to an end one day, when the farmer came to harvest. The sickle represents the opportunity the Lord has put in place to introduce the new you to the world.

For Esther, it was a beauty contest, for Paul, it was the visit of Barnabas, whoever God chooses to use is not as important as your expectation. Live your life everyday knowing that this is not the last chapter of your life! The best days are ahead of you, when God comes!

Did Job imagine he will have other children again? Did Ruth dream of remarriage to a wealthy man in Israel? how could Mary have believed that the son she thought had died, was simply on the path to a glorious destiny where he would be worshipped from generation to generation?

Don’t play God! Don’t think you can figure out your whole life. Your mind cannot comprehend the wisdom of God, neither can you find all the missing parts of the puzzle. Let God be God! Leave the Why questions alone. Just Trust God!

… for the harvest time has come.

 This year, God is bringing many into the harvest time of their lives! Are you one of them ? Its the year of the mouth, so l declare in the mighty name of Jesus, its your season of fullness in Jesus name! Your set time to be unveiled to your generation has come in Jesus name! Come out of mourning, come out of hiding! Dry your tears, change your garment, anoint yourself with fragrance, its your time, its your season!

God who is at work to will and to do His good pleasure, has led me to this text , just because of you. It will be worth it all when you see the outcome of your harvest.

Give God a praise, give him a dance. Its harvest time for you!



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