Advent Family Devotional 2024

Join us as we journey through Advent from December 1 to December 25, 2024, focusing on Hope, Joy, Love, Peace, and the celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day. This interactive devotional is designed for families, small groups, and churches to come together, reflect, and grow deeper in faith.

Standing On Convictions

Text: Hebrews 11:1

Key verse: \”Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. (AMPC)\”

We are often called people of faith. Our faith stands us out. Our faith determines our values and belief system. It forms the bedrock of our life, choices, and purpose.

This faith must be based on convictions because there are a thousand other belief systems that are calling out for our attention. Before we are persuaded about a thing, we rely on facts, things we have seen, heard, or experienced.

The Christian faith does not rest on facts alone; you must be ready to be convinced of things you have not seen. Faith is like standing on air, though invisible yet able to keep you from falling.

Faith is that assurance you have that something will not fail, that things will work out well in the end. What you hope for are expected outcomes, faith is the energy that drives you to them.

As believers our faith rests on the invisible word of God, it is active with the potential to create what is in God\’s heart. You don\’t have to see it before you believe it because it is not limited by the laws of nature and it operates beyond the limits of human comprehension, even discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart.

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

God spoke and the world was created, Jesus spoke God\’s words and nature obeyed him, you can speak it and watch God create new situations and circumstances that will work in your favor in Jesus name. Amen

This is the season for the word, read it listen to it on audio devices, meditate on it until you believe it, and can stand on its invincible power.

This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.

If you desire to be successful in this new season, you must learn to deal wisely. Nobody can do it for you it is your life call!


Roses & Thorns

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