Waiting For Your Time

Topic: Waiting For Your Time

Text: 1 Samueul 16:1-13

Key Verse: Do you have any more sons?” “Yes,” Jesse answered. “My youngest son David is out taking care of the sheep.” “Send for him!” Samuel said. “We won’t start the ceremony until he gets here.” – 1 Samuel 16:11

Solomon, the wisest king of Israel, wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes of times and seasons for every matter under heaven, though we know it, we are unwilling to embrace certain seasons.

Everything on earth has its own time and its season. – Ecclesiastes 3:1 CEV

Nobody enjoys a season of irrelevance, insignificance, or redundancy. Everyone loves to be in the spotlight, make the headlines, and be celebrated for one achievement or the other, except where there are unhealthy identity issues. Yet, this desire rarely occurs for many, in-between one celebration and another are long seasons of silence, monotony, and inactivity.

God’s promises still stand, he has great plans for every life but we have to wait for the right season and time when it has been determined to come to pass.

David was a shepherd boy who diligently took care of the family sheep, his daily routine was nothing special and his future seemed bleak considering how many siblings he had who were all older. Still, God had great plans in store for him waiting for manifestation.

Our first lesson in today’s text comes from Samuel’s response to the task God gave him to go and anoint another King while Saul was still reigning. Have you been faced with complex instructions from God before? How did you respond? Has the Lord asked something of you like your “Isaac”? How did you respond? Have you received instructions to respond to a situation that might cost you your life like Esther? How did you respond?

Daily, we are faced with choices to obey or disobey God’s instructions, and many times our disobedience is due to fear of others or the consequences it may have on us. Samuel faced that, and he models the proper response we can emulate. He obeyed God but rather expressed his concerns to God.

Samuel answered, “If I do that, Saul will find out and have me killed.”…. – 1 Samuel 16:2 CEV

The scriptures teach us to bring our concerns, worries, and anxieties to God because he cares for us. When choosing to act in faith, God provides a solution to obeying his word or escaping difficult situations.

Take a calf with you,” the Lord replied. “Tell everyone that you’ve come to offer it as a sacrifice to me” 1 Samuel 16:2b

casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. – 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)

No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [not is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]. – 1 Corinthians 10:13 (AMP)

Living intentionally always obeying God in every situation helps us look for the way out God will provide. We must grow in trusting God’s wisdom and love for us.

David was not expecting the honor God showed him; l doubt if he ever prayed to be a leader in his clan not to speak of the nation. He was young and looked unqualified to step into Saul’s shoes, but God said, “He’s the one!”

What qualified David for this anointing? Who he was and what he did in the times of insignificance in the backside of the desert qualified him.

How are you spending your time now? What is the state of your heart? You may deserve more out of life, but how are you maximizing the opportunities before you?

Our heavenly Father is likened to a prudent investor who gave a talent each to his servants and left on a journey. On his return, he took the talent away from the one who did not grow what he had and gave it to the one who had more results.

Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him that hath ten talents. – Matthew 25:28

Be fruitful and faithful with what you have; God is watching. Men may not consider you for more, but God has your portion reserved for you already. It’s bigger and better than what you can ask for; it’s eternal.

God determines seasons, at the right time in due season, He will keep everyone waiting until you arrive; wait for it in Jesus’ name!


Dear Father, thank you for the good plans you have for me. Help me to wait patiently for the season of my manifestation as l serve you obediently, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastor Ada

Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

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