When the Mind says you Can’t

Topic: When the Mind says you Can’t.

Text: Numbers 13:31-33

Key verse: But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we*. – Numbers 13:31

One difference between those who stand out to do exploits and fulfill their destiny and those who don’t is their perspective of the challenges.

From the time of birth to life’s end, life is a fight! Some people focus their attention on why the challenges have to happen, others determine to find solutions, whatever position you take is a function of how your mind is working and it’s an interpretation of what your senses perceive. Note, we are human beings with a spirit, soul, and body, we must not allow our soul alone to determine our response to issues. Let your spirit speak.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God*. – Romans 8:14

In our text we see leaders, representatives of the people, bring a very fatalistic report about the place God wanted them to conquer and possess. They so quickly forgot the role God had played previously in bringing them out of Egypt with a powerful army, they decided to make their victory a function of their ability alone and failed to remember their relationship with God as a key success factor.

As children of God, we must never make our challenges all about us. When we do that, it keeps our focus on our ability and we size ourselves with the situation which gives our mind the interpretation that we can’t handle it.

God is the author of our mission to the earth, the plan is for everyone to be fruitful in the place we are planted and advance the course of the kingdom. No one goes on a mission at his expense, that is what the scriptures teach.

*You did not choose me. I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last. Then my Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name*. – John 15:16

*Then Jesus asked his disciples, “When I sent you out that time without purse, bag, or shoes, did you lack anything?” “Not a thing,” they answered*.  Luke 22:35

When you train your mind to know that you are representing a higher authority, then you will easily rely on God for resources, ability, and strategy to accomplish the mission. When we work, we must acknowledge that it is God doing the work through us.

God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him*.  Philippians 2:13

I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. John 17:4

Even Jesus recognized the work he came to do as the Father\’s work, not his. Change your mind today, the work you are here to do belongs to God. God can give you all the ability and resources you need for his business.

Esther, Gideon, Daniel, and all the heroes of faith understood this fact. When you are faced with obstacles and opposition remember that you are not alone in this, and refuse to accept the verdict from the mind that you can’t be or do what is expected of you. This truth sums it up.

I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength*.  Philippians 4:13

 Blessings to you.


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